Too short to suck!

Puppetry that pushes the envelope. A new era in an ancient art.

Drop that mouse and open those bloodshot eyeballs, the ELEMENTALS have come to exfoliate the wrinkled face of comedic puppetry. The ELEMENTALS are a puppet comedy group with an edge. Their chosen mission is to push the fleshy membrane of traditional puppetry into uncharted realms. With a visual flare and magical technique, the ELEMENTALS serve up bubbling bowl fuels of thigh slapping eye-candy.

" The ELEMENTALS' eclectic band of puppets are gorgeously wrought mutants who look like they evolved down stream from a nuclear waste dump and talk like vulgar barflies. They have earned the right to call themselves experimental with impunity!"
The Village Voice

"The puppets are fantastic just as sculptures, but then these loony creatures come to life."
New York Press

"These are virtuoso puppeteers. Their energy and inventiveness, not to mention their wry ironies and off balance world views, are refreshing and often surprisingly strong."
The Minneapolis Star Tribune

Some Commercial Credits Include:
Saturday Night Live - "The Go Lords"
Nickelodeon - "Action League Now"
MasterCard - "Christmas"
M2 - Bumper Spots
Mattel - "Street Sharks"
General Mills - "Captain Crunch"
Intergraph - "NAB 97, Siggraph 97, and IBC 97"

Currently, The Elementals can be seen in "Uncle Jimmy's Dirty Basement". For more information, go to www.dirtybasement.com
For more information please call our not so toll free number
Copyright ©, 2005. Elementals Inc.